Give Wings To Your Little One!

Best Pre-Primary Schools in Ramamurthy Nagar


18 months - 2.5 years

Best DayCare Centres in Ramamurthy Nagar


2.5 years - 3.5 years

Best Preschool and Daycare Center in Ramamurthy Nagar

Junior KG

3.5 years - 4.5 years

Junior KG School in Ramamurthy Nagar

Senior KG

4.5 years - 5.5 years

Best Pre School in Ramamurthy Nagar
Nursery School in Ramamurthy Nagar


Simha kidsden brings inventiveness, excellence and vibrancy to the schooling for your children. Simha is built on the principle that learning starts from a much younger age than what the traditional education system believes. Simha takes this pursuit forward by focussing on development of the young learners and giving them the safest and most enriching environment to learn in.


Teacher per 10 students


Coordinators per 2 teachers


Promise to accomplish


Simha is equipped with all the modern facilities and ensures a safe and high-quality early education and childcare services.

Best Play Groups in Ramamurthy Nagar
Outdoor Activities

To promote physical health and development

Best PreSchool in Ramamurthy Nagar
Magnificent Library

For minds to wonder and wander 

Top Kindergarten in Ramamurthy Nagar
Indoor Activities

To encourage aptitude and social learning

Best PreSchool in Ramamurthy Nagar
CCTV Cameras:

For a protected and safe environment

Senior KG School in Ramamurthy Nagar
Biometric System

Making a system fault free

Senior KG School in Ramamurthy Nagar
Kid-safe infrastructure

Assuring that no harm is done to our little ones


Our Photo Gallery

Best Montessori School in Ramamurthy Nagar
Nursery School in Ramamurthy Nagar
PreNursery School in Ramamurthy Nagar
Play School for Kids in Ramamurthy Nagar

Overall Development

Mental and Physical Growth

Protected Environment

Safe & secured campus

Learning with fun

Number of co-curricular and activities


We also offer day-care facilities and ensure an environment which provides them a space which encourages ideas, growth and learning.

  • Creative Activities
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Art and play time
  • Nap time
Best Montessori School in Ramamurthy Nagar
Nursery School in Ramamurthy Nagar
PreNursery School in Ramamurthy Nagar
Play School for Kids in Ramamurthy Nagar
Pre Nursery Schools in Ramamurthy Nagar

What Parents Say

Simha Kidsden mission is to provide safe, high-quality early education and childcare services, and we have always been committed to our vision and methodology.

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